all postcodes in PR8 / SOUTHPORT

find any address or company within the PR8 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR8 6AA 25 1 53.643988 -2.985523
PR8 6AB 29 3 53.64418 -2.986254
PR8 6AD 8 0 53.644976 -2.984593
PR8 6AE 22 1 53.64373 -2.981992
PR8 6AF 30 1 53.644248 -2.982078
PR8 6AG 29 1 53.645212 -2.983237
PR8 6AH 19 0 53.644879 -2.979992
PR8 6AJ 22 0 53.644797 -2.9812
PR8 6AL 29 1 53.644393 -2.980026
PR8 6AN 13 1 53.645583 -2.9796
PR8 6AP 21 1 53.645154 -2.979333
PR8 6AQ 25 0 53.644994 -2.98237
PR8 6AS 9 1 53.645588 -2.97898
PR8 6AT 39 1 53.644997 -2.97759
PR8 6AU 8 0 53.645715 -2.976653
PR8 6AW 16 0 53.645955 -2.980229
PR8 6AX 11 0 53.64598 -2.977234
PR8 6AY 17 0 53.64663 -2.977945
PR8 6AZ 24 0 53.646692 -2.979172
PR8 6BA 41 0 53.64641 -2.980708